Ultra Feet

Enhanced Isolation system



The first fully laboratory tested isolation system.

It drastically reduces the possibility of negative vibrations reaching your components, dispersing energy in the form of heat. Focus on the stage, greater detail and increased dynamics are just some of the parameters that benefit from it.

The first fully tested
isolation system

Ultra Feet was born to optimize visco-elastic materials depending on load charge, making a specific product with a limited useful range to precise parameters: we are in fact completely against full range products which cannot have the same effectiveness.

Ultra Feet is actually available in 8 levels (in terms of dimensions and performance).
Each one is calibrated on a specific load charge range, with two or three different damping materials (depends on the level): all of them are fully tested by Vicoter.


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Our models

Designed to optimize the effectiveness of your electronics

Ultra Feet works perfectly beneath each electronic and it’s strongly suggested under sources (turntable and CD player).
Ultra Feet is not universal, we recommend to follow the load chart indicators to obtain the best performance as possible.

Level 1

For generic purpose
Load capacity: 0,1 to 60 kg
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Level 2

For elecronics
Load capacity: 0,1 to 10 kg
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Level 3

For elecronics
Load capacity: 10,1 to 20 kg
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Level 4

For elecronics
Load capacity: 20,1 to 40 kg
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Level 5

For elecronics
Load capacity: 40,1 to 80 kg
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Level 6

For loudspeakers
Load capacity: 20,1 to 100 kg
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Level 7

For loudspeakers
Load capacity: 100 to 200 kg
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Level 8

For turntables
Load capacity: up to 80 kg
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Why it is important to use Ultra Feet

How do Ultra Feet work?
By exploiting a simple physical principle which allows elastic or viscoelastic materials to absorb the mechanical energy coming from vibrations, transfoming them into residual heat. All our Ultrafeet dedicated to electronics (Level 1 to Level 5) are equipped with two different decoupling materials with different densities. Their function is to dampen a large part of the vibrations coming from the floor (the ones generated by the sound pressure of the loudspeakers) and those generated by the motors of the sources. Obviously, we are talking about micro-vibrations and high fidelity. Therefore, we are perfectly aware that the perfection of the result to which every enthusiast aspires very often passes through the care of these details.
Based on what?
We start from the experience gained over more than 15 years in the field of mechanical decoupling. Our racks (the company's core business) are distributed in more than 50 countries around the world and, as is our tradition, we are supported by a team of engineers who daily study and design vibration treatment solutions for the most diverse sectors (aeronautics, automotive, aerospace, etc.). This experience allows us to generate numbers and graphs which are then transformed into projects - the choice of materials is never random, the ranges of use are studied and tested at an independent university laboratory. Everything is based on scientifically proven data.
Why is it necessary to isolate electronics?
In most cases, the sound reproduction of a music track involves the mechanical interaction between several elements. A striking example is the performance of the turntable: when the cartridge slides within a groove, its movement generates an electrical signal which, appropriately treated, sends the message to the amplification. It is therefore very easy to understand how micro-movements of the cartridge are easily affected by vibrations. If this happens, as is demonstrated here (link 'why a rack'), the musical signal is altered and we can no longer talk about high fidelity. The correct isolation of electronics (especially sources, but also amplifications) makes it possible to limit the 'damage' (i.e. disturbances) that vibrations can cause to the electrical signal, thus providing a more faithful sound reproduction, with an immediate benefit in terms of dynamics, sound stage focus and details.

Laboratory tests

Vicoter measured the behaviour of five damping block manufactured by Bassocontinuo when subjected to vibrations.
In particular, during tests, an electro-dynamic shaker (G&W V55) is used to introduce vibrations in dampers and two accelerometers (PCB 333B32) are used to measure the vibration reduction obtained by the damping block, which is loaded with a weight.
All tests were performed with a set of 4 Ultra Feet.

For more information download the report:


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Comparative diagram till 1000 Hz and variable loads on the single Ultra Feet.
Present test campaign is performed with the purpose to demonstrate that each damper maximizes its performances when loaded in its designed load range.

Click on the kg loads to see the test results:


  • 1
  • 3.7
  • 7.4


Accelerometer comparative diagram between 0 and 6000 Hz, be-fore and after treatment, with Ultra Feet.
This test is performed with the aim of highlighting the amount of harmful vibrations absorbed by the Ultra Feet system.

Click on the levels to see the test results:


  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 5

Awards & Reviews

The Bassocontinuo Ultra Feet have received significant acclaim in the Hi-Fi community, particularly for their impact on audio quality. According to reviews, these feet offer a noticeable improvement in soundstage openness, with a distinct expansion and increase in the impact of drums. Users have reported a more three-dimensional and realistic sound presentation, making the placement of instruments and voices within the mix clearer. This results in a more relaxed and delicate audio experience.

The awards received from the Hi-Fi world: the prestigious The Ear Best Buy and the “5 stars – recommended badge” by Hi-Fi Choice magazine.